
Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Remedial Massage, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Release. Something for everyone. Something for each situation.
Massage ..... Enquire or Book Now

Here are our massage services at a glance. Please click on each one to find out more. Then get in touch with us to arrange an appointment to discuss your needs.

Swedish Massage

For total relaxation and muscle de-tensioning.
Escape the daily grind and spend an hour in massage heaven!

Myofascial Release

Begin to release fascia that have become bound to muscles to reduce pain and increase flexibility. The solution to many ‘unknown’ pain problems.

Sports Massage

For injury preventtion and treatment and optimum levels of functional, occupational and sports fitness, regardless of age and ability.

Trigger Point Release

Localised knots in muscles often refer pain onto other areas. Release those back knots to banish those headaches.

Remedial Massage

Target known problem areas to begin the journey to less pain, increased movement and greater felxibility.

Mixed Massage

Relaxation, trigger point release, freeing tight areas and bringing about balance. This one has it all.

Massage Prices

From £35 for 30 minutes.

Massage Price List here.

Block bookings available.

We’d love to hear from you.

If you would like to book a massage or enquire as to suitability then please send us a message using the contact form here.

Or, if you want to speak to us, call us on
0754 526 7822



Book or Enquire Now.

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Your body has the natural ability to heal itself. Our Massage Therapy and Sports Therapy techniques are effective in helping the body’s muscles and connective tissues to remodel and realign. We help you get back to full function by targeting the root cause of your condition. But don’t just take our word for it – check out our Testimonials section to see what some of our clients are saying!