Swedish Massage

Total Relaxation and De-Stressing

Swedish Massage - Book Now

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is widely considered to be the most popular type of massage in the western world. It’s soft tissue techniques have an instant effect of calming the whole body. All clients who come to us for a Swedish massage do so primarily to escape the range of daily pressures and stresse of life. The variety of light, but firm, hand strokes on the back, neck, shoulders, arms and legs will very quickly transport you to as close an altered state as you can get. And it’s all legal!

The hands-on motions of our Swedish massage are designed to closely mimic the flow within your body’s circulatory system. Carried out correctly by our qualified and competent therapist, this will directly remove tension from your surrounding soft tissues and muscles thus promoting a more efficient flow of blood throughout your body. Needless to say, this means your body, heart and brain will be receiving the benefits of a more efficient flow of oxygen. As a consequence of this, your body will be better able to make more efficient use of nutrients and will also be more effeicient in getting rid of waste products.

It comes as no surprise then that our clients feel the way they do as a result of our Swedish massage. Many of their inner workings have been warmly encouraged back into life again. Over time, these inner workings have become ever increasingly restricted due to the negative tensioning of muscles and their surrounding soft tissues.

To begin with, we will use long strokes over the surface of the body to relax and warm up the skin, tissue and muscles. A suitable massage oil is used to help. If you want, we can continue the whole massage with these effleurage strokes – that’s up to you. Or, you can decide to have a little more pressure applied using petrissage strokes that may involve pressing, lifting, kneading, rolling or squeezing. These deeper strokes reach a little further and begin to release more built up tension from within your tissue and muscles resulting in a deeper feeling of relaxation. The affected muscles will then begin to lengthen slightly and be capable of a greater degree of motion. Petrissage strokes free up your knotted and bound tissues and muscles, can stimulate nerve endings and promote cell repair and regeneration.

We can also use friction as a warming stroke with the aim of generating more heat in preparation for deeper work. This stroke can be done by rubbing back and forth along the length of the muscle or across it by either using wringing motion or small circular movements.

Tapotement is characterized as a percussion stroke in which the hand action rhythmically stimulates nerves, muscles, and circulation. The hand position can be cupped or with palms flat, or it can be with fingers interlocked in either a palms together position or in soft fists.

Vibration refers to rocking, shaking and trembling movements applied to one limb or to the entire body. These movements, which can be done slowly or rapidly, are designed to reverberate through the surrounding tissues in order to break postural holding patterns and to facilitate a momentary release of tension in the muscle being worked on.

In most cases of our Swedish massage, we use a mix of all of these strokes. Longer times are usually spent on effleurage and petrissage techniques.

I contacted Lara to have a Swedish massage the day after an eight hour bike ride.
What can I say, but it was amazing!
I felt as though a weight had been lifted from my whole body.
I have now booked a one hour sports massage from Lara four days before my next 100 mile sportive ride!


Sportive Cyclist

Contact us to book a Swedish massage now

Swedish Massage

  • Induces a rapid removal of built up tension in your muscles and soft tissues
  • immediately induces a state of complete relaxation in you
  • encourages a greater efficiency in blood flow
  • can reduce your blood pressure
  • can boost your immune system’s lymph flow to defend against bacterial and viral infection
  • can promote digestion
  • can reduce constipation
  • has been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol
  • can lead to a reduction in fatigue, anxiety and depression
  • can reduce some of the effects of arthritic debility in joints
  • can ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome
  • helps your muscles carry out the processing of nutrients with greater efficiency
  • can improve the efficiency of your cells eliminating waste products
  • can relieve cramps and muscle spasms and can bring about a decrease in muscle fatigue
  • can relax, soothe and tone your muscles
  • can loosen your joints and improve your range of motion
  • can calm and stimulate your nervous system
  • releases endorphins to create that feeling of wellbeing
  • supports relaxation and improves sleep

Swedish Massage

Book or enquire now!

12 + 10 =

Massage Clinic Address

Within Skin Geek
Unit 10
“The Red House”
Shieldhill Road

0754 526 7822


Your body has the natural ability to heal itself. Our Massage Therapy and Sports Therapy techniques are effective in helping the body’s muscles and connective tissues to remodel and realign. We help you get back to full function by targeting the root cause of your condition. But don’t just take our word for it – check out our Testimonials section to see what some of our clients are saying!