Although stress affects different people in different ways, there is one sure thing – we will all be afflicted by it at some stage in our lives. For some, stress will trigger a survival instinct that helps deal with life’s challenges. For others, stress will bring about a debilitation so entrenched that it prevents them from carrying out their daily activities. Repeated exposure to the offending environment can
even lead to a major impact on global mental health and self-esteem in the severest of cases. In other cases, stress can lead to people having to endure physical and emotional conditions such as chronic fatigue,
digestive upset, headaches, back pain, high blood pressure and risk of stroke.

All of our clients who book a Swedish massage session report deep feelings of relaxation with all stress eliminated. ‘Revitalising’ is another common description of post-massage sensation. Sceptics simply cannot argue with those sentiments.

One study by the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles recruited 53 healthy adults and assigned them to receive deep tissue, Swedish and light touch massage. The researchers found that a single session of
massage caused noticeable biological changes. Among the study’s findings were:

  • People in the Swedish massage group experienced significant changes
    in lymphocytes ,(lymphocyte numbers and percentages white blood cells
    that play a large role in defending the body from disease.
  • Swedish massage caused a large decrease (effect size -.74) in
    Arginine Vasopressin (AVP) a hormone believed to play a role in
    aggressive behavior and linked to helping cause increases in the stress
    hormone cortisol.
  • Swedish massage caused a decrease in levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

What the study shows is that massage does indeed bring about physiological changes within the body that the have a positive impact on physical and emotional health outcomes.

Contact us to discuss your massage options.

Contact Us

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Massage Clinic Address

Within Skin Geek
Unit 10
“The Red House”
Shieldhill Road

0754 526 7822


Your body has the natural ability to heal itself. Our Massage Therapy and Sports Therapy techniques are effective in helping the body’s muscles and connective tissues to remodel and realign. We help you get back to full function by targeting the root cause of your condition. But don’t just take our word for it – check out our Testimonials section to see what some of our clients are saying!